How Long to Rest After a Concussion?

A concussion can be induced by a bump, blow, or jolt to the head and any fall or contact to the head. This invisible damage changes the way the brain operates by lowering mental stamina, causing the brain to work harder and for longer periods of time, even to complete basic activities. Concussions can cause loss of consciousness, although, in the vast majority of cases, this does not happen. Speak with a lawyer or click here to learn more about traumatic injuries and the legal processes associated with them. 

Concussion danger signs 

A deadly blood clot may form on the brain of a concussed person and squeeze the brain against the skull in rare situations. If symptoms worsen and/or the patient has: one pupil larger than the other, unusual behavior change, neck pain, seizures, repeated vomiting, weakness or numbness in arms or legs, slurred speech, worsening headaches, increased drowsiness, problems recognizing people or places, increased confusion, or if the patient is less responsive than usual or cannot be awakened, the patient should be seen in an emergency department right away.

How long does concussion recovery take? 

Concussion recovery typically takes 7 to 10 days. However, your recovery may be delayed if you do not get enough rest or follow your doctor’s advice. 

Furthermore, some patients develop a disorder known as post-concussion syndrome. Experts are baffled as to why this occurs. Concussion rehabilitation can take months or even years if you have this condition. You may suffer a headache and the other concussion symptoms listed above during this period.

If you have recently had a concussion and are still experiencing symptoms after 7 to 10 days, see your doctor to rule out post-concussion syndrome.

How can you speed up concussion recovery? 

You should always consult your doctor if you suspect you have a concussion. They can assess the severity of your concussion and provide you with more precise recovery advice. Meanwhile, consider these strategies to help you heal quickly from a concussion and return to normal activities.

  • Reduce screen time 
  • Limit exposure to bright lights and loud sounds 
  • Avoid unnecessary movement of your head and neck 
  • Stay hydrated 
  • Rest 
  • Eat more protein 
  • Eat foods rich in omega-3s 
  • Eat foods with lots of antioxidants 
  • Be patient 
  • Follow all your doctor’s orders 

Most concussions heal on their own with no long-term consequences. However, some concussions are associated with a more serious injury requiring care. To be safe, consult a doctor after suffering a head injury. If it is significant, seeking treatment early increases your chances of full recovery.