What to Do If Someone Steals Your Property?

Every year 1.2 million homes are burglarized and billions of dollars worth of store merchandise is stolen. Property crime is the most common reported offense in the United States. If someone steals your property, it can be a very upsetting and frustrating experience. In addition to the emotional distress, you may also be concerned about the legal implications if you are held responsible. There are many things that you can do to help if your property is stolen. To get additional help with your stolen property you can connect with a criminal lawyer in Hawaii.

Stolen items can show up on social media sites and in online marketplaces. It is not possible to predict when your property might appear, but you can prepare for this possibility by storing any serial numbers or photos that might help identify the item. You can also try to reach out on social media to let people know that your property has been stolen so they can keep an eye out for it and report any suspicious activity to the police.

The most important thing to do is to file an FIR (First Information Report) with the police. This can be done by visiting your nearest police station and submitting the necessary paperwork. The police will investigate your claim and take appropriate action. This step is crucial because it will allow the authorities to catch the person who stole your property and bring them to justice.

It is also a good idea to keep your valuables secure, especially if you are traveling or living out of the house. You can prevent theft by locking your doors and windows, keeping your belongings out of sight, and installing a security system. It is also a good idea to check for any personal items in local classifieds and online marketplaces on a regular basis.

What If You Purchase or Accept Stolen Property?

If you are found in possession of stolen property, the punishment will depend on how much you knew it was stolen. If you purchased or accepted the property without knowledge that it was stolen, you will not be charged. However, if you had a reasonable suspicion that the property was stolen and you bought it, you will be held accountable.

Similarly, you can be prosecuted for possessing or accepting stolen property if you knew it was stolen and you helped conceal the identity of the owner. You can be charged with a misdemeanor or felony depending on the value of the stolen property.

In cases of home title theft, or deed fraud, the thieves can pose as you and transition your property ownership into their name. This can have serious consequences for you if they attempt to sell the property or apply for a mortgage loan with the fraudulently obtained deed. You should be vigilant to watch for any irregularities in your property records and notify the mortgage lender as soon as you notice them.

In the case of home theft, it is particularly important to contact your mortgage lender as soon as you notice any suspicious activity on your record. This will help to prevent future financial harm and foreclosure.